SCP-F Structured

an internal government structure based on the SCP foundation.

What is SCP-F Structured?

An SCP-F structured or SCP-Foundation structured system is an in-system government that resembles the S.C.P. Foundation. This structure is not related to the broader world of S.C.P.¹ and is exclusively based on the in-universe S.C.P. Foundation.² It's important to note that this term is not meant to describe a healthy system structure. Due to the dehumanization of lower classes, alongside unfair decision making (disregarding lower classes opinions in favor of higher classes'), it's not encouraged to use this term lightheartedly or in non-serious manners (SCPbased may be better for this).Not all systems relate to the references towards S.C.P. but may find heavy relation to the structure itself, these systems might use the term Foundation structured instead (this can also be used for personal preference, regardless of ones thoughts on S.C.P.).

Internal Division of Classes

The classification of these terms will vary system to system, general language will be used here for ease of understanding (e.g., class, rank, secondary, lesser).The term rank, as used here, refers to the classes themselves alongside the internal hierarchy within those classes. Inside any given class, alters often hold distinct ranks. Classes with a greater degree of diversity, such as tertiary classes, tend to have similarly diverse rankings. Sub-classes may develop when a particular rank becomes overpopulated or when a clear division between that rank and the rest of the class emerges. The minor secondary class is a great example of this phenomenon, where alters still belong to the secondary class but branch off from traditional secondary class functions due to differences in job and rank.Top Class
The top class, similar the O5 council,³ is a group of alters who have intimate knowledge regarding the ins & outs of and complete control over the system. The top class will likely be made of omniscients, omniscius', gatekeepers, lorekeepers, consuls, internal self helpers, and archivists (many of these alters having majority of these roles simultaneously). The top class alters are usually all collectively floaters(2) as well, able to intrude upon any grouping of alters regardless of their isolation. There is very often a maincenter within the top class who has a final say on all system matters, even over other top class alters.
This group may keep mostly hidden from the rest of the system, or contrarily, may be incredibly intrusive in day to day life. The top class usually doesn't have a proper grasp on their fellow alters feelings and will stay out of assisting them directly, leaving such jobs to lower classes. Of course, this is not always the case and any alter within the top class may have caretaker or protector roles.Secondary Class
The secondary class works directly under the top class, usually compromised of gatekeepers, protectors, prosecutors, cartographers, tanks, wardens, overlords, caretakers, etc. These alters usually have a higher degree of power and are also fairly knowledgeable when it comes to the system. This class is usually compromised of the system helpers, alters who can care for others, while also being comprised of alters who can "do the right thing by any means", these alters may end up being considered persecutors/prosecutors due to their more cruel actions. These alters tend to resemble MTF task forces, specifically Alpha-1. Alters who carry out harsher jobs for the top class usually do so out of loyalty and good will, but this does not mean that their actions are actually good. Both the top class and secondary class can have alters who are harmful, misguided, or malignant.
Minor Secondary Class
A sub-class, minor secondary class alters are maintenance workers for the system. They're usually lurkers and gatekeepers who specifically work to keep things in order. These alters usually hold little to no power and work primarily under the top class but can also work under the secondary class (depending on the status of the secondary class alter commanding them). Census takers, receptionists, scouts, and gardentenders are common amongst this class.
Tertiary Classes
The third ranked members will begin to have more variety and tend to have sub classes within the rank. Tertiary classes will vary widely on general roles but will hold no power over the system like a gatekeeper may. Although, these alters will always have say in system decisions. Hosts, co-hosts, primary fronters, holders, persecutors, negotiators, diplomats, assistants, etc. will be most commonly found within this class.
Lesser Classes
Similar to tertiary classes, lesser classes are diverse and have many sub classes, but they are primarily made up of fragments, littles, and alters who are unaware they are even part of a system (usually known as astraymates, but this may also include lonelets pre-syscovery). These classes tend to heavily resemble D-Class personnel, and as such, these alters are usually seen as disposable, more often than not being put into more cruel situations alongside having no say in system decisions. Lesser classes are usually punished more harshly than other classes as well. Lesser classes are not inherently mistreated, disliked, or ignored. Alters may be loved and cared for the same regardless of their class, even if they are the lowest rank of the lowest class.

Promotions & Demotions

Depending on structure and formation, promotions and/or demotions may or may not be possible for all systems with this structure type.Promotion within SCP-F structured systems usually will only happen rank by rank. Alters in tertiary classes will not be able to be promoted to the top class. Although, demotions do not always follow a strict pattern, a member of the secondary class may be demoted to a lesser class instead of tertiary.the top class is the highest achievable position and may not be attainable for all lower-class alters. The maincenter has the authority to remove any top class alter and force them into lower positions, but this is typically done by a consensus vote (however, in urgent situations, the maincenter will make this decision on their own).Secondary class alters are usually unable to reach the top class, although, there may be exceptions where the top class (or the maincenter) decides on it.Minor secondary class alters are generally locked into their class and unable to reach the secondary or top class. However, this also means they will not lose their rank and fall into tertiary or lesser classes.Tertiary class alters are scarcely able to join the secondary class but it is possible. This is usually due to fusions or splitting but can happen through internal work and cooperation between various ranks and classes.Lesser class alters will almost always have the opportunity to join tertiary classes. This is either due to an astraymate simply gaining awareness of their system or an alter being forced to prove themself to higher classes, While lesser class alters may lose their ranking within their own class, there is no lower class they could be demoted to.